Welcome to Rock Young Adults
After graduation, the transition to the next phase of life can be daunting. For those 18-27 years of age, Rock Young Adults is committed to walk alongside you, help you navigate life's tough decisions, and discover the answers God has for you in His word.
We meet weekly on Fridays for worship and a message grounded in truth, followed by time in small groups to discuss the lesson. We have a faithful team of leaders who are dedicated to care for and disciple you in this season of your life. In addition to the weekly gatherings, we offer fun events throughout the year to provide community and outreach events to challenge you to take the gospel to the lost.

fridays @ 7:30pm | year-round
Join us every week as we dive deeper into the Bible and learn what it means to be a Godly young adult.
The Rock Church Old Building
11400 Linden Rd. Fenton, MI 48430